Acopia! The fastest way to get a Care of the Eldery Consultant fuming is to use the term "acopia" when presenting a patient in the "post-take" ward round.
Dr Nick is all for the use of the term acopia! My arguments for acopia being a proper medical term are as follows:
1. Acopia is a proper illness. According to the WHO's definition, health encompasses physical, mental & social well-being. In acopia, the main reason for admission is a lack of function & social support at home. By definition, that is an ilness!
2. Acopia sumarises everything in just 3 syllables! No long latin words required. Terms like "off-legs" & "failed OT assesment" are lengthier & don't roll off the tongue as easily!
3. Acopia is a very common illness in the elderly population & accounts for a very large proportion of hospital admissions as any hospital doctor is aware. Acopia is also a relative contraindication to many procedures like major surgery, ITU admission or even resuscitation attempts.
4. The argument against acopia is that it "hides" the reason for their loss of function. Geriatricians argue that it takes a "hit" like a urine infection or a stroke to bring a patient down & we'll be missing such problems if the term acopia is used.
Dr Nick complelety agrees that its essential to search for such contributing factors. That doesn't mean acopia can't be used. For example, the term "exacerbation of COPD" is used, and of course there mey be contributing factors like poor compliance, smoking, infection. Neverthless, "exacerbation of COPD" is generally considered a valid term.
5. Last but not least, acopia can be the only problem. There! I've said it! Now every Geriatrician in the NHS will be trying to get me "struck off" the GMC register! As we age, its accepted that most of our capabilities deteriorate inluding lung function, cognitive abilities, muscle mass, renal function etc. Its therefore completely conceivable that acopia is simply the end-result of getting old.
Agree or disagree? Feel free to comment
NB. Dr Nick is not using Acopia in a derogatory context!