Work as a Mc Donald's manager & you'll get treated better than a junior doctor in NHS (or at least have more work benefits!).
I've made a comparison between a Mc Donald's Operations Manager & a year 2 Senior House Officer, just to prove my point. Both jobs are realistically achievable a few years after graduation.
Annual Salary
Mc Donald's: £35K- £55K
NHS Doctor: £39K- £55K (Banding 2B)
Hours Worked per Week
Mc Donald's: 43-45 hours
NHS Doctor: 48-56 hours (theoretically!!)
Annual Leave
Mc Donald's: 6 weeks
NHS Doctor: 5 weeks
Life Insurance
Mc Donald's: Full cover provided
NHS Doctor: Don't be silly now!
Annual Bonus
Mc Donald's- Performance-related bonus
NHS Doctor- £5 Christmas voucher at hospital canteen
Company Car
Mc Donald's- Car provided or cash alternative
NHS Doctor- Ha Ha!
Private Health Care
Mc Donald's:Covers yourself, spouse and children
NHS Doctor: Nil but at least you can have your colleagues prod you!
Home Telephone Bills
Mc Donald's: Monthly charge paid & 50% of all calls
NHS Doctor: Continue dreaming!
Mc Donald's: Free Mc Donald's food
NHS Doctor: Hey, you get 10% off in the canteen!
Don't believe this? Visit the Mc Donald's site for yourself.
Hmmm but McDonalds is a dire place to work (it having been my student job before med school applications meant I moved to the care sector and now wipe poop for a living until med school in septemeber!!!) - the managers are children and the staff are infants!!! Furthermore those benefits I should imagine, like all things in good old Maccie D's never materialise!! Plus the job is insanely boring and could be completed by someone who barely attended high school (as indeed was the case of one of the managers where i worked). Gimme medicine any day!!!
You can't make those generalisations from one student job experience when you were a teenager!
85% of Mc Donald's employees in an independent survey were satisfied with their job. Compare this to the 60% of NHS employees who were satisfied (data from Healthcare Commission 2005).
Alot of supposed NHS benefits do not materialise either. For example, do all of us ever receive the complete 2 weeks of study leave? Are we always banded correctly for the hours worked? How many of us get to attend "bleep-free" teaching every week?
Perhaps working as a Mc Donald's manager does not give you the same "bragging rights" as a doctor at social events.
Nevertheless, the point I'm trying to make here is that there are few extra benefits/ bonuses working in the NHS. And these benefits can be substansial, especially in the long run.
I'm only using Mc Donald's as an example. It could be companies like Shell, HSBC, British Airways, etc.
I take your point entirely, however do you at least have experience of working in McDonald's etc??? Seriously if you did, you'd be running back to medicine with your tail between your legs.
One of my best friends is a McDonalds worker so I am by no means being malicious here, but a good percentage (and that's not all people, some people just have different priorities in life, my friend for example has never been career minded and is happy to have her children and part time job at Maccies) of people who are satisfied to work in McDonalds for the rest of their lives don't have the intelligence required to do much else, whereas to work for the NHS you do have to possess a reasonable level of intelligence - perhaps this accounts for the difference in percentage satisfaction????
The benefits you mention are material benefits too - ie health cover. You can't expect me to believe that you get the daily variety working in such places as McDonalds that you get working as a doctor? That is one perk of the job that you havent drawn a comparison for.
To conclude I can see your point in its entirety and it is extremely valid, however having had personal experience of jobs such as McD's (which is by no means the only job of its kind that I've held), the perks of medicine / nhs careers in my opinion still outweigh those of McDonalds.
Eponine, you seem to have disliked your McDonald's job with a vengeance! ;-)
No, I haven't worked in McDonald's before & I'll admit, that being a burger-flipper doesn't sound appealing to me at all!
But I'm trying to compare like for like. Graduates working in McDonald's Vs. graduates in the NHS. McDonald's Mangers don't just serve food but also cover areas like sales, liasing with HQ, finances, publicity etc etc with prospects of career advancement to executive level.
McDonald's employees work ultimately to fill the pockets of its shareholders.Doctors & Nurses work ultimately to save lives.
McDonald's managers get substanstial work benefits. What do doctors & nurses get in return for their nobel intentions?
I like helping people & I enjoy the way Medicine lets me do it. I don't intend to work for McDonald's anytime soon, I'll give you that. But I have considered leaving the NHS & the way we are treated does not help.
The point I'm trying to make is graduates in industry can get a better deal, even in a company like McDOnald's! And I haven't even started on the nurses' plight yet, whose pay is much less!
The McDonald's starting salary is £18,500.
If you love Macdonalds so much why don't you work there instead?
No, I wouldn't like to work in McDonald's, please see my previous comment, which I've answered.
I wouldn't like to work at McDonald's.
I like Medicine, but I resent the way doctors & nurses who work hard for a good cause don't get treated as well by the NHS. Even a company like McDonald's does better, that's my point! Mc Donald's is just an example, it could be Shell, British Airways, Glaxo.
These differences, in my oppinion, are due to the way each organisation is run.
The NHS is a public service, whilst MD's is a private multinational.
MD makes £millions of profit each year, whilst the NHS makes millions of debt.
If health provision was market driven (like MD's), further down the line, we'd probably see similar perks coming our way!?
With that said - i'm going to finnish my MD application form. ta tar
You'd never hear about this stuff on prospectuses or on work shadwoing weeks.
Anyway, McD is a business and can therefore look after its employees better, while the NHS is a 'public' service.
I have no idea what Im saying - feel free to click the 'reject comment' button.
If you think nurses are paid badly, take a look at what Lab Techs are paid. Admittedly my experience is years out of date (1966) but when I started work as a Med Lab Tech I got paid less than the student grant (and it was a free grant back then) and a helluva lot less holidays than students did.
I was still studying (though only part time - one day a week lectures, which fortunately the hospital paid for as on my pitiful salary I surely couldn't have!). People I trained with are still working in NHS maybe. And will be taking home a pretty poor pay for the knowledge and exertise they are expected to have. I gave it up after 5 years as pay bad, no-one even knew what I did. At least everyone knows what a Doctor does.
at least u have the pride of working as a doctor thats more than some1 working at mcdonalds have but this still puts me off all these years at university.
Great article! Thanks.
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Thanks for interesting article.
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actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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Wonderful blog.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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eae7Xb write more, thanks.
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Wonderful blog.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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Wonderful blog.
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Wonderful blog.
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640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
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Good job!
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actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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Wonderful blog.
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actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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