August approaches & we come closer to the period nicknamed the "killing season" or "Black August". It is rumoured that even GP's are reluctant to send patients to hospital during this period & referrals plummet!
The new House Officer (Foundation Year 1) starts work in August!
But not to worry for the new doctors out there. Here is some advice to get through those few early weeks.
1. Learn to suck up!
If you're going to get anywhere in Medicine, you're have to suck up to the people that matter..... the nurses & ward clerks. If you get them on your side, they can make your life that much better.
Don't worry too much about your consultant! In the new FY2 job application process, your consultant's reference counts for very little.
You're better off doing audits & presentations to get points in the application scoring system!
2. Hit the stairmaster, hard!
Ward rounds can be physically gruelling, especially surgical rounds that go at the speed of lightning. Circuit training is very good at simulating a ward round, as you bound from bed to bed, ward to ward with an armful of hospital notes.
3.Join a speed-typing course
"TTA's" or discharge summaries are usually typed nowadays and this skill can indefinitely speed up the time you plough through a pile of TTA's.
Especially after a ward round when your consultant is in discharge mode!
4. Learn how to fax
The second most important piece of equipment after the computer! All those referrals have to go somewhere!
5. Beef up! Do some bench presses
Arm strength is essential for the FY1/ PRHO, especially in Care of The Elderly. Some patients' notes dwarf London's telephone directories & can weigh over 5 kg each.
Lifting patients, helping them to stand or sit-up also takes strength. Don't hurt your back, ask your gym instructor to show you good lifting technique.
6. The most important piece of advice!
Ignore all the above advice! Did you really take me seriously? Are you going to listen to someone who names himself after a cartoon character in the Simpsons?!!
Relax! Black August is an urban legend. For the new doctors out there, the first few weeks will be challenging & at times difficult. But you'll soon the hang of things, I promise!
For proper advice I recommend "The Oxford Handbook For The Foundation Year" which is crammed with practical advice for the first 2 years.
1 comment:
Thanks! GLad someone is reading!
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